Friday, February 13, 2009

Friday the 13th

Friday the 13th, a day associated with bad luck. The name of this phobia is paraskavedekatriaphobia, derived from the Greek words meaning Friday and 13, with phobia attached on the end.

Despite the associated fear with the day, several athletes have had milestone days on a Friday the 13th.

The great Babe Ruth hit his 700th home run on this day, in his final season with the New York Yankees. Ruth would play the next season with the Boston Braves before retiring.

All-time hits leader Pete Rose got his 4,000th hit on a Friday the 13th with the now disfunct Montreal Expos. Rose would become baseball's all-time hits leader the following season. Rose's career in baseball would be going downhill from here..........

Finally, Roger Clemens recorded his 300th win on Friday the 13th. His career is also falling apart in front of him........

Is it ironic that although Rose's and Clemens' milestones were historic, that both of there baseball careers abruptly came falling down in a cloud of questions (Clemens) and disgrace (Rose).

Also, the year 2009 will have three Friday the 13ths, today (February), as well as March and November.

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